Hooray for The Champ

Where do I begin with this fabulous gem of a product?   I love to rock the dry shampoo on the lazy days or to quickly freshen up after a sweaty workout.  I've gone cheap and found out quickly you get what you pay for.  Some brands were straight up like spray-on dandruff.  Then there were the salon-level ones that did the job and did it well.  Hair looked clean and fresh and even volumized.  THEN.. this Champion came into my life.  My friend who owns a salon in town, recommended it informing me that not only did it condition but it also was NON-flammable leaving out icky things like propane and butane.  Whaaa?  This was music to my ears.  I received The Champ with my Market Partner kit when I invested in this natural based anti-aging hair care business known as Monat,  A name spawned from "Modern Nature".   Just from the smooth way it sprayed out, I could tell it was a quality product.  My hair not only bounced back up to a freshly washed appearance but my hair shined and felt soft, never stiff or powdery.   Nothing affected the color or tone of my hair. I was seriously the best dry shampoo I've ever used.  Despite using it often (at least twice a week), it seemed to last a good amount of time.  You may look at this product and think $34 is a lot for a dry shampoo but just for the fact that it is free of all those icky chemicals and flammable material - isn't it worth it?   Your hair deserves this gentle and toxin-free product.  I say bite the bullet and spend the money.  Your hair will thank you for it and reflect your good decision in its shine and bounce.  If $34 is too much, maybe consider the opportunity of signing up as a VIP customer and get it for $29.   For your hair's sake, for self-care's sake,  its a good move.  Get The Champ here now and fall in love with this hair care line.  


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